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Lighthouse Homeopathy

Gentle Remedies, Whole Person Healing


About Lighthouse Homeopathy

At Lighthouse Homeopathy, we believe in the gentle and safe healing power of homeopathy. Homeopathic remedies are made by diluting natural substances like plants, animals, and minerals to provide maximum healing without causing harm. Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of homeopathy, was concerned about the side effects of traditional medicines and worked tirelessly to develop a better solution. Click here to learn more about our approach to natural health and wellness.

Our Services

All appointments are currently scheduled through the Homeopathy Help Network.

I am a student practitioner under supervision in my final year at The Academy of Homeopathy Education.

Acute Consult

Acute conditions typically have a recent, rapid onset and differ from ongoing health conditions. 

30-45 mins | $40

Examples include:   A recent injury or a stomach bug. If you’ve been sick or dealing with viral symptoms over the past few months and are still struggling to get well, this option can address that, too. Be sure to request “Amy Mahoney” on the form.

Initial Chronic Consult

More long-standing conditions, such as asthma, hormonal concerns, eczema, allergies, mental health issues, or diabetes are considered chronic.

2 hours | $150

Important Note: Please select "AHE student practitioner under supervision" and request “Amy Mahoney” on the form.

Chronic Follow-up

Typically recommended every 4-6 weeks for ongoing chronic care.

45-60 mins | $40

Important Note: This will be scheduled after an initial chronic consultation

Bach Flower Essences

Discovered by Edward Bach in the 1930’s, Bach Flower Essences are wonderful tools for moving emotions that get stuck or block our bodies innate healing power.  Bach studied different plants and flowers and found the healing energy contained within each one.   Like homeopathy, flower essences can help your body restore balance between the mind/emotions and the body.  They are subtle and effective and work well with homeopathy and other healing modalities.  They are also safe for pets and plants! 

I became interested in this complimentary modality while studying homeopathy and earned a certificate specific to homeopaths after an intensive course.  To schedule a Bach Flower Essence consultation please reach out through email or visit my contact page.  Consults are approximately 60 minutes.   

60 minute consultation | $75


"Wellness is a journey to find your best self."

It may entail changing your eating habits, trying new ways of moving your body, or working with a homeopath to find the remedy for your particular presentation of characteristic symptoms. Sometimes the energy in our bodies gets stuck, homeopathy can help that energy release and begin flowing again.  Like a lighthouse, whose beam of light protects mariners from danger, homeopathy assists the internal light of the body to repair, restore, and revive itself. I am happy to coach you through your personal healing journey using homeopathy as the base and expanding out to find what works for you. 


Health and healing are an individual process which is one of the many reasons classical homeopathy is wonderful.  Homeopathy is individualized and takes into account your whole person-- body, mind, spirit.

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